Top 20 Mobile Development Tools: An Overview

Kees Wolters
3 min readJul 8, 2019

A growing amount of companies are starting to realise that by attuning to their customer’s needs, they can grasp more opportunities for their own gain. One of these opportunities is the demand for mobile access to information regarding your company, be it regular company details or entire webshops.

According to Gartner, “by 2020, more than 75% of enterprises will have adopted at least one mobile application development platform to accelerate their digital (and therefore mobile) business transformation strategy.” With this uprising of devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and wearables such as smartwatches, many companies have started to develop mobile apps in order to increase the ease of access to their information and/or services for their customers.

And how exactly do they accomplish this? With Mobile Development Tools.

What are Mobile Development Tools?

Mobile Development Tools are software designed to assist in the creation of mobile applications. This can be accomplished in multiple ways, for example, there are native mobile development tools, but also cross-platform mobile development tools.

  • Native mobile development tools can help you create specialised apps that operate with ease and high quality, and can take advantage of all features on their designated platform.
  • Cross-platform mobile development tools — on the other hand — make it possible to create a generic app for multiple platforms simultaneously, greatly cutting the costs and time needed to create an app, but this comes with a trade-off. Non-platform specific applications made in a cross-platform environment tend to have more issues and lower quality compared to native applications.

*It may seem like a choice between quality or costs, so it’s best to have it all out on the table in terms of which tools you have to choose from.

Source: Business of Apps

In this article we will provide you with an overview on the best 20 Mobile Development Tools that are available on the market.

Developers can choose between different approaches to cross-platform app development, including hybrid mobile app development and rapid mobile app development (RMAD), or ‘codeless’ mobile app development. Low-code or no-code tools may appeal to organisations that don’t have the in-house knowledge and/or can’t afford to hire developers; however, the setback with these options is that they don’t allow for as much control or customisation.

In order to keep an oversight on the many platforms, the tools in this article will be separated into two categories:

  • Native development tools
  • Cross-platform development tools (including Coding Platforms, Low-Coding Platforms and No-Coding Platforms).




Kees Wolters

Co-Founder and Chief Marketing & Product @ Mopinion — — Customer Feedback Analytics software for websites and apps